Our partners. Puerta de Hierro

Our partners. Puerta de Hierro


The SERVICIO MADRILEÑO DE SALUD (SERMAS) is the administrative and management structure that integrates the public health care system in the Madrid Region. SERMAS is the legal representative of Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda, Coordinator of the CLARIFY project.

The HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO PUERTA DE HIERRO-MAJADAHONDA (HUPHM), one of the main hospitals in the Madrid Community, began its activities in 1964 but the main goals that underpinned its creation are still present today: clinical services; research, development and innovation; and clinical training.

HUPHM supports the health needs of a population belonging to the Madrid´s Health Area 6, reckoned to provide for approximately 560.000 people. For assisting all this population, the Hospital has more than 2.500 clinical staff working in 42 different clinical specialties. 

HUPHM is a teaching hospital that belongs to the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. In its fifty-year history.

HUPHM has established itself as an internationally known and highly competitive medical research centre labelled by the Health Care Research Fund (the source of financial support from the Spanish Health Ministry) as a Mixed Research Unit.

HUPHM, together with Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Health Council of Madrid Community, form the Puerta de Hierro-Segovia de Arana Health Research Institute. The Institute has 43 research units and more than 367 researchers.

The Medical Oncology Department at HUPHM lead by Dr Provencio, Head of the Medical Oncology Service and Scientific Director of Puerta de Hierro-Segovia de Arana Health Research Institute, are in charge of providing clinical data and the relevant clinical variables, developing and implementing the user cases for cancer patients for the CLARIFY project.

Within the Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, the Medical Oncology Department, with sound expertise in clinical and translational research, provides cancer patients’ clinical data and  develops the user cases for cancer patients for the CLARIFY project. 


Hospital Puerta del Hierro Majadahonda

Universidad Politécnica Madrid


German National Library and Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology


NUI Galway


London´s Global University

University College Dublin





Lung Cancer Research
