NUI Galway is world-renowned as an expert research-led University emphasising inter-disciplinary research programmes, and collaborations with industry partners in areas of strategic importance.
The Insight Centre for Data Analytics is one of Europe’s largest data analytics research organisations, with 450 researchers, more than 80 industry partners and over €100 million of funding. Insight Ireland is made up of four main centres: DCU, NUI Galway, UCC and UCD as well as a number of affiliated bodies.
Insight’s research focuses on areas such as the Fundamentals of Data Science, Sensing and Actuation, Scaling Algorithms, Model Building, Multi Modal Analysis, Data Engineering and Governance, Decision Making and Trustworthy AI.
Insight has been on the forefront of research in the Semantic Web and Linked Data areas over the last decade and has a strong track record in building knowledge graphs both manually and automatically, integrating them into consolidated knowledge bases and efficiently analysing them.
Insight researchers are extensively involved in developing AI solutions in clinical applications with special focus on cancer for the CLARIFY project.