The 2nd Scientific Review of the CLARIFY project took place via Videoconference past Sept 15th 2022. The main objective of the meeting was to present the project activities carried out until M30 to an external panel of experts. The reviewers examined:
- the degree to which the work plan had been carried out and whether all deliverables were completed
- whether the objectives are still relevant and provide scientific or industrial breakthrough potential
- how resources were planned and used in relation to the achieved progress, and if their use respects the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness
- the management procedures and methods of the project
- the beneficiaries’ contributions and their integration within the project
- the expected potential scientific, technological, economic, competitive and social impact, and plans for using and disseminating results
- eligibility of the costs claimed
- compliance with other grant agreement obligations.
Thanks to all CLARIFY partners for their efforts and dedication