Clarify will participate at the webinar on the lessons learned from research projects related to cancer the 19th April 2023 from 15:00 to 17:00.
Based on the overall experience gained from EU funded projects, this event will open a discussion related to 4 key pillars:
- Technological barriers
- User experience and adherence
- Market readiness
- Ethics and legal barriers
The Webinar will share the experience from different projects with the aim to provide practical guidance for anyone interested in digital health and cancer care. The round table would also stimulate the discussion and establish novel initiatives and connections for the next research activities across Europe.
Some datails of the online event:
Registration link:
- 15:00-15:10 Welcome
- 15:10-15:25: The patient experience and technical barriers of ICT technologies (Zoraida Callejas Carrión, Universidad de Granada, Spain , MEHNIR Project
- 15:25-15:40: The health professionals’ experience on the usage of the clinical decision support systems (Maria Torrente, Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, Spain, CLARIFY project)
- 15:40-15:55: Medical Device Regulation: experience from the perspective of a EU funded project (Lucia Sacchi, Universitá degli Studi di Pavia, Italy, CAPABLE project)
- 15:55-16:10: Market acceptance of the results of EU funded projects (Maria Eugenia Beltrán, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, FAITH project)
- 16:10-16:50: Round table and Q&A from the audience.
- 16:50-17:00: Wrap up and conclusions